sXe Injected v12.0 Released!
Add: Anti-Soundhack Beta 1
Add: New cheats detections
Fix: Unblocked commands
Fix: Lost focus on screenshots
Fix: Upload screenhots lag
Fix: Deformed ATI screenshots
Fix: CS1.5 duplicated folders
Fix: CS Windows name
Fix: Internationalization fixed
Fix: Anti-Wallhack visualization errors
Server`s Protection Steps
Download here the sXe Injected server`s protection plugin for Windows and unzip it.
Download here the sXe Injected server's protection plugin for Linux and unzip it.
Anticheat system: sXe Injected 5.2 (for windows 32 bits)
***** Introduction ****
sXe Injected server runs with Half-Life mod, In conjunction with the client performs all necessary authentications to block different hooks over the game.
**** Installation ****
The server was developed to be installed as a Metamod plugin, developed for metamod v1.18 or newer. The installation is simple
-> Directory creation
Being on <MOD> (cstrike, dod, etc) you must create the following directories inside metamod directory structure.
Usual metamd structure
'half life'cstrikeaddons
New directories
'half life'cstrikeaddonssxei
'half life'cstrikeaddonssxeidlls
-> Plugin copy (sxei_mm.dll)
Once directories creation was finished you need to copy the binary on its place, this one will be 'half life'cstrikeaddonssxeidlls
So, will be
'half life'cstrikeaddonssxeidllssxei_mm.dll
Or if its Day of defeat mod
'half life'dodaddonssxeidllssxei_mm.dll
**** Configuration ****
Now we need to let Metamod know it needs to run this new plugin, we do this by editing the file 'plugins.ini' located at 'half life''mod'addonsmetamod
So, 'half life'cstrikeaddonsmetamodplugins.ini
Or it could also be 'half life'dodaddonsmetamodplugins.ini
On this file we are only going to add
; sXe Injected
win32 addons/sxei/dlls/sxei_mm.dll
Thats all, once we got the server up and running metamod will take care to load the anticheat’s plugin.
If Cs server is already ruuning we can ask Metamod to refresh the configuration by using the 'meta refresh' command (this command must by sent via rcon)
To check if the plugin is working properly we can check a plugin’s list, and check the status also, using 'meta list' command we should see every plugin, including sXe Injected server
Like this
] meta list
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unlod
[ 1] AMX RUN - amx_mm.dll v2006.3 ini ANY ANY
[ 2] sXe Injected RUN - sxei_mm.dll v5.2 ini ANY ANY
[ 3] Fun RUN - fun.dll v2006.3 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 4] CSStats RUN - csstats.dll v2006.3 pl1 ANY ANY
4 plugins, 4 running
If the status is RUN, the plugin is working properly
Note: Its really important that on the command line you use to execute the game you have the +ip parameter and this one to have the real server ip, or no client will be able to authenticate with sXe Injected
Like this,
+ ip
hlds_run -game cstrike + maxplayers 14 + ip + map de_dust2 +port 27015
hlds_run -game dod + maxplayers 14 + ip + map dod_donner +port 27015
Any other way will cause the server not to be able to authenticate the clients properly and kick them.
If u can not add the public ip on the command line you can add it to server.cfg
For example,
**** LAN / WAN Configuration ****
If you have two kind of players (WAN clients and LAN clients) we introduce a new variable: __sxei_internal_ip
you can caonfigure your server.cfg as (in example):
so, WAN clients connects to and LAN players connects to, and no one gets kick.
NOTE: if you change ip or __sxei_internal_ip changes doesn't take effect immediatly, you MUST restart server or change map.
**** DNS Configuration ****
Now you can configure your variables ip and __sxei_internal_ip with a DNS.
sXe Injected server will resolve name to get current ip address.
NOTE: if you change ip or __sxei_internal_ip changes doesn't take effect immediatly, you MUST restart server or change map.
**** Administration ****
sXe Injected server has some variables to manage its administration
-> Required (default value 1)
__sxei_required variable can be set as we wish
__sxei_required -1 Anticheat completely off
No actions from this server on this status, no validations from the anticheat
__sxei_required 0 Anticheat in optional status
This status allows every player to access the game, even if they dont have sXe Injected, but the server will change the name of those who dont validate with the anticheat by adding "[NO-sXe-I]" befote the nickname, as it will also be showing messages with different colours letting the player know about the optional status and where to download the anticheat client from.
__sxei_required 1 Anticheat in mandatory status
Ideal status, anyone who does not goes through the authentication, because of a failed client or the lack of it, alter 6 seconds the screen Hill g oto fade to black. After 6 more seconds, will be kicked, informing that has been kicked because it doesnt have the client, this will be showing on the kick message and on the console.
-> Auto Upgrade (__sxei_srv_upg, default value 1)
__sxei_srv_upg 1 Anticheat checks for upgrades.
Every time a map is over it Hill check if its running the latest version, if there is any difference, it will automatically download the latest version.
__sxei_srv_upg 0 Anticheat doesnt check for upgrades
Avoids any upgrade attempt
-> Versions (__sxei_srv_ver, __sxei_clt_ver)
__sxei_srv_ver stores the sXe Injected server version, __sxei_clt_ver stores the required value for the client. This variables can be modified manually, not recommendable, if the client versión required is changed and this ones dont have it they will be automatically kicked from the server (si __sxei_required == 1)
IMPORTANT: It is not recommended to change any of these 2 variables
-> Speed Hack Detection (__sxei_antispeed)
__sxei_antispeed 1 -> enable anti-speedhack (default 1)
__sxei_antispeed 0 -> disable anti-speedhack
NOTE: this is the beta version, if you have any problem in your own server please report it and temporarily disable anti-speed via "__sxei_antispeed 0" on your own server
-> Anti WallHack (__sxei_antiwall)
__sxei_antiwall 1 -> enable anti-wallhack (default 1)
__sxei_antiwall 0 -> disable anti-wallhack
NOTE: this is the beta version, if you have any problem in your own server please report it and temporarily disable anti-wallhack via "__sxei_antiwall 0" on your own server
**** Language ****
Copy sxei.ini file to ...addonssxei for an english translation.
Changing sxei.ini contents you can configure sXe Injected HUD Message.
Sxe Local Ban Plugins :-
Click Here To Download....
Installation :-
sXe Local Ban allows admins to ban a player from your own server. A banned player will not be able to connect again to the server where he was banned, he can play on any other server.
sXe Local Ban is a hardware id (HID) based ban, every computer has an unique hardware configuration, this information is used to get the unique HID for every player.
sxe_ban < # userid >
sxe_ban.jpg / sxe_ban2.jpg
sXe Local Ban writes all banned Hardware IDs into a file.
sXe Local Ban file is located into the cstrike folder and named as sxe_local_ban.cfg
There are three new messages for your sxe.ini file:
-sxei_invalid_hid = basically an altered/invalid Hardware ID
-sxei_no_hid = Client didnt send Hardware ID information
-sxei_local_ban = Message for banned users
If you dont configure your sxe.ini, the default values for this messages are:
sxei_invalid_hid=Invalid Hardware ID
sxei_no_hid=Hardware ID not found
sxei_local_ban=YOU ARE LOCALLY BANNED!
If you ban a player there is no unban command, so, be carefull!
If you delete sxe_local_ban.cfg all local bans are cleared.
At this momment you can track all bans from your servers log.
sXe Ban Command:
L 05/04/2009 - 00:07:53: Rcon: "rcon 2377458144 "payas" sxe_ban #2" from ""
sXe Banned player connection:
L 05/04/2009 - 00:07:53: [SXE-I] Player [kankas] LOCALLY BANNED [kick # 2 YOU ARE LOCALLY BANNED!
NOTE: We will work on the sxe_unban command for the next release (be patient please)
Plugin: sxeban.amxx
Usage: "amx_sxe_ban < #userid >"
Author: EbaD
You have to put the sxeban.amxx plugin in the "cstrikeaddonsamxmodxplugins" folder and add the line "sxeban.amxx" to your "cstrikeaddonsamxmodxconfigsplugins.ini" config file.
All admins with ADMIN_BAN privileges are granted to use ...